• Get Real-Time Transparency from True “Push” Analytics:
    Don’t settle for false promises of real-time data. Most affiliate tracking services only offer a few useless analytics in real-time just so that they can make the claim. If you want something usable, you have to wait for the critical KPIs to refresh so that you can pull a report. ClickTicker lives up to our promise of real-time data. Leave “pulling” and “refreshing” to another advertiser. Stream your critical campaign data in real-time with ClickTicker!
  • Revolutionary Affiliate Reporting
    Pulling reports for affiliates is obsolete thanks to ClickTicker. Give your affiliates the transparency they want and deserve. Now affiliates can see the same campaign data that you do with our affiliate tracking software and enjoy scoreboard-style, auto-updating information. You don’t waste time pulling reports, and your affiliates can adjust marketing techniques in real-time to maximize the traffic they drive to your business. That translates into better affiliate relationships and more highly-targeted traffic for your site.
  • Confidence. Speed. Profits.
    Let the lightning-fast ClickTicker backbone help you and your affiliates to track impressions with confidence. Real-time updates create transparency and trust and allow for on-the-fly optimization of campaigns. Trim expenses and increase conversions with the real-time data you need. Stop waiting for critical data to refresh while your ad dollars slip away. ClickTicker is your ticket to increased profits.


ClickTicker is the cutting edge solution to real-time data management. With this kind of precision and transparency, even the dimmest Neckbeard can optimize their ad buys. Imagine what it will do for you. ClickTicker – making the weak, strong and the strong, strongest.

Take control of your ad spending today, because the bottom line is what lines your pockets.

about us
ClickTicker is the cutting-edge solution developed by marketers, for marketers. Our experienced management team is dedicated to helping optimize your marketing initiatives.
get in touch
  • sales@clickticker.com
  • support@clickticker.com
  • 888-683-4872
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